For the 3-Satisfiability Problem (3SAT), we propose three algorithms for generating its positive instance (and its solution) randomly. We design these algorithms so that they produce, with high probability, a {\em unique solution 3SAT instances}, i.e., a 3SAT instances with only one satisfying assignment. For our first algorithm, we proved theoretically that the algorithm yields a unique solution 3SAT instance with high probability if the number of clauses $m$ is larger than $(7/3)n\ln n+O(n)$; furthermore, we also proved that $(7/3)n\ln n$ clauses are necessary. Then by modifying this algorithm, we obtain two algorithms that need only $O(n)$ clauses to yield a unique solution 3SAT instance with high probability. Hardness against of generated instances against standard heuristics is also investigated experimentally.