Research report Series A (116-121)
Some reports in this list may not have complete on-line
information. In this case, or in general, if you have any question,
please contact to the contacting author of the report directly.
A-121 (May, 1998)
- Title
- Inductive construction of $R$-matrices
- Author
- Yagi Tatsuya
- Email
- yagi(at)
- Abstract
- We report construction of $R$-matrices, which are solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, by using given $R$-matrices satisfying the skein relation. Describing entries of the constructed matrices by given matrices, we reduced the complexity of the calculation. We also use pictorial calculation to help understand the meanings of expressions.
ID: A-120 (October, 1996)
- Title
- Some remarks on the compactness method
- Author
- Alexandre V. Kazhikhov
Email: kajikhov (at)
- Abstract
- A-120.txt
- Document
- not available
ID: A-119 (August, 1996)
- Title
- Solutions to the linear continuity equation in Orlicz spaces
Authors: Alexandre V. Kazhikhov and Seiji Ukai
- Abstract
- A-119.txt
- Document
- not available
ID: A-118 (June, 1996)
- Title
- The verification compactness method
Authors: Alexandre V. Kazhikhov and Vladimir V. Shelukhin
- Abstract
- A-118.txt
- Document
- not available
ID: A-117 (June, 1996)
- Title
- A class of finite and infinite dimensional maps which have infinitely many periodic points
Authors: Akihiko Itaya and Seiji Ukai
Email: itaya (at)
- Abstract
- A-117.txt
- Document
- not available
ID: A-116 (June, 1996)
- Title
- Periodic points of one-dimensional maps
Authors: Akihiko Itaya and Seiji Ukai
Email: itaya (at)
- Abstract
- A-116.txt
- Document
- not available
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藤澤 克樹 氏 (東京工業大学 科学技術創成研究院デジタルツイン研究ユニット ユニット長 /
九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所 数理計算インテリジェント社会実装推進部門 部門長)