Ryo Kashima
Associate Professor.
Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences,
Institute of Science Tokyo,
Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan.
Research interest
Mathematical logic,
proof theoretical studies of nonclassical logics.
Ryo Kashima, Naosuke Matsuda, and Takao Yuyama:
Term-Space Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus,
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61[4], pp.591-600 (2020).
Kento Takagi and Ryo Kashima:
On the completeness and the decidability of strictly monadic second‐order logic,
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 66[4], pp.438-447 (2020).
Ryo Kashima:
On Second Order Propositional Intuitionistic Logics.
In: Yang SM., Lee K., Ono H. (eds) Philosophical Logic: Current Trends in Asia. Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library. Springer. (2017)
- Ryo Kashima:
Completeness of Second Order Propositional Intuitionistic Logics
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-284, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2016).
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Ken-Etsu Fujita, Ryo Kashima, Yuichi Komori and Naosuke Matsuda:
Reduction Rules for Intuitionistic λρ-calculus,
Studia Logica, 103[6], pp.1225-1244 (2015).
- Ryo Kashima:
An axiomatization of ECTL,
Journal of Logic and Computation, 24[1], pp.117-133 (2014).
- Ryo Kashima:
Completeness of Hilbert-style axiomatization for the extended computation tree logic ECTL,
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-279, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2012).
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- Ryo Kashima:
Completeness proof by semantic diagrams for transitive closure of accessibility relation,
Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 8, pp. 200-217 (2010).
- Ryo Kashima:
A proof of the completeness theorem for the modal logic with transitive closure of accessibility relation,
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-266, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2009).
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- Ryo Kashima and Keishi Okamoto:
General Models and Completeness of First-Order Modal mu-calculus,
Journal of Logic and Computation 18[4], pp.497-507 (2008).
- Ryo Ishigaki and Ryo Kashima:
Sequent Calculi for Some Strict Implication Logics,
Logic Journal of the IGPL 16[2],
pp.155-174 (2008).
- Ryo Kashima and Keishi Okamoto:
Completeness Theorem of First-Order Modal mu-calculus, Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-244, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2007).
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- Ichiro Hasuo and Ryo Kashima:
Kripke Completeness of First-Order Constructive Logics with Strong Negation,
Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics 11[6],
pp.615-646 (2003).
- Katsumasa Ishii, Ryo Kashima, and Kentaro Kikuchi:
Sequent Calculi for Visser's Propositional Logics,
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42[1], 1-22 (2001) (published 2003).
- Ryo Kashima:
On Semilattice Relevant Logics,
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49[4], 401-414 (2003).
- Ryo Kashima:
Proof Theoretical Studies on Semilattice Relevant Logics, Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-157, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2001).
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- Ryo Kashima:
On the Standardization Theorem for Lambda-Beta-Eta-Calculus, International Workshop on Rewriting in Proof and Computation (RPC'01), (Sendai, Japan. October 2001).
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- Ryo Kashima:
Completeness of Implicational Relevant Logics,
Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics 8, pp.761-785 (2000).
- Ryo Kashima:
A Proof of the Standardization Theorem in Lambda-Calculus,
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-145, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2000).
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- Ryo Kashima:
Labelled sequent calculi and completeness theorems for implicational relevant logics,
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-140, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999).
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- Ryo Kashima and Norihiro Kamide:
Substructural Implicational Logics Including the Relevant Logic E,
Studia Logica 63 pp.181-212 (1999).
- Ryo Kashima and Takeshi Yamaguchi:
On the Difficulty of Writing Out Formal Proofs in Arithmetic,
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 pp.328-332 (1997).
- Ryo Kashima:
Contraction-Elimination for Implicational Logics,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84, pp.17-39, (1997).
- Ryo Kashima:
Cut-Free Sequent Calculi for Some Tense Logics,
Studia Logica 53 pp.119-135 (1994).
- Ryo Kashima and Tatsuya Shimura:
Cut-Elimination Theorem for the Logic of Constant Domains,
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 pp.153-172 (1994).
- Ryo Kashima and Yuichi Komori:
The Word Problem for Free BCI-Algebras Is Decidable,
Mathematica Japonica 37 No.6 pp.1025-1029 (1992).
- Ryo Kashima:
Cut-Elimination Theorem for the Intermediate Logic CD,
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, C-100, (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1991).
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Japanese page is here.
(October 2024)